Module 2 - Data Collection Using the Temperature Sensor

In this unit, you will explore how the M:B can be used for data collection using the integrated thermometer feature.

Themes: Data collection, Temperature sensor, Thermometer.

Input & Output is the communication between a digital device and the outside world (a human or another digital device).

Input is data that a computer or device receives.
Output is data that a computer or device produces.

The M:B has different inputs and outputs that you will explore in this next challenge.

Watch the following video about Input & Output.

Watch the following video about the M:B Temperature Sensor.

LEARN How To - Collect Data

As you saw in the first unit, the Micro:Bit has a variety of integrated sensors. These sensors are a great way to collect data for furthur scientific investigation. For this next challenge, you are invited to explore data collection using the integrated temperature sensor (thermometer).

The M:B's temperature sensor is the input device and the temperature reading displayed on the M:B is the output device.

Challenge #3 - Make a Simple Thermometer
For this challenge, you will use the M:B's built-in sensor to show how hot or how cold it is in a specific place.

Use this
Thermometer Lab sheet to collect your different temperature readings.

TEACHER TIP! This challenge can be used to integrate a variety of scientific concepts. Also, the Micro:bit can save data as a CSV file.


...Try coding the same challenge using different blocks of code.

...Explore temperature projects.

...Explore input/output projects.

Garde des traces de ton code & de ta progression

N'oublie pas de conserver des traces de ton code ! Pour ce faire, utilise le document de suivi fourni par ton enseignant.e afin d'y sauvegarder le code de tes projets M:B. et d'en faire le suivi.