Micro:Bit 101

Use the Micro:bit as a tool for creation, data collection and multiple projects in any subject area.

Mission of the Course

The Micro:Bit course was developed over the past few years with educators and students in the field. The progression is gradual and varied, leaving lots of room for student creativity and computational tinkering. The course guides the student towards making an independent project.

It can be easily adapted for elementary cycle 2 through high school. Feel free to go at your own pace and determine your timeline according to your students' learning. For example, one unit can be spread over several sessions or you may be able to cover multiple units in one session. This course does not need to be followed in sequence. Students can jump back and forth as needed. Don't know how to do something? Explore the FAQ area on this site to find the answer or just tinker to create your very own solution. The site is intended as guide to keep expanding all of the great skills associated with coding (Variables, logic, troubleshooting when things don't work, and solving problems).

The Units

Intro to the Micro:bit

Focus: Display and Buttons

Data Collection using the Temperature Sensor

Focus: Data Collection, Thermometer

Basic Sensors

Focus: Sensors, Variable Blocks, Logic Blocks & Physical Computing.


Focus: Debugging and strategies to get unstuck

Alarm and Warning Systems

Focus: Warning systems and alarms.

Intro to do your :bit

Focus: Global Goals for Sustainable Development

More Sensors and Peripherals

Focus: Peripherals and sensors for beginner, intermediate & advanced levels.

The BIG Project & Design Process

Focus: BIG M:B project, Brainstorming, Design Process, Documenting, Reflecting and Sharing.

Contact ocs@learnquebec.ca to get more information on the project.